Thursday, January 11, 2018

The New.ish.

Happy 2018!

Since it is January 11th, this is the New-ish Year's post. Don't ask why this post is so late and I won't ask about your resolutions. Deal?

2017 was hard for so many of us. I've tried for the past several years to contemplate the ending year as the next approaches.

This year God let me journal about 2017 beside the ocean. Because He loves me so so much.

It was chilly and windy and my bare feet were a declaration of defiance against the South Georgia December temperatures. It was such a blessed day though.

People approach the new year in many ways- special words for the year, diets, resolutions, etc. I read two things online which I found to be helpful, transitioning into 2018. The first is by a dear former Pastor of ours, Chris Goins:
How to make a frest START in 2018

The second is on a website for simplified living- No Sidebar. This is a good article for contemplating 2017 and moving forward:
End Your Year Intentionally with These Ten Questions

With prayer and contemplation, I have a plan for 2018:

1. I've chosen two words to focus on this year. Picking a word (or two) as your "Mantra" for the year can focus your decisions, time and actions in the direction you wish to head.   

2. I'm doing a 21 Day Prayer and Fast. I can't put into words how powerful and life-changing a long fast can be. God has met impossible needs for years now when I have fasted and prayed. I would encourage you to consider this spiritual practice if you haven't yet.

3.  I'm facing the hard things this year. I have three things I've been putting off for a very long time because of fear. Are you like me? These incredible words by Kevin Kaiser, former editor to Ted Dekker, are some of the best I've read about this:

"You must decide. You must choose. Decision is the cutting off of all escape routes and committing to a singular path. And aren't all things except the one path we already know we must take simply that- escape routes?
All of your distractions and procrastinations do nothing more than delay the inevitable choice you already know you must take. All of us already know what we must do. We get into trouble when we replace our MUST's with feeble should's.
'I should do this or that. I should be like this or that. ' 
Don't should on yourself, I once heard someone say. Unless something becomes a MUST for you- something you can't NOT do- you won't do it. You'll never commit. 
So where to start? The most reliable sign of what you must do is that which you most want to avoid. Resistance points the way to what you want. 
The only force holding you back is fear of loss. You're afraid to lose the comfort of the familiar. You're afraid to discover the voices in your head are right and you don't really have what it takes. You're afraid of what lies beyond the comfort zones that keep your life smaller than you want.
I know because you and I are the same. That's my struggle too. But what's on the other side of fear?
Nothing but open range and endless skies. Though you look for it, the loss you fear is not there. 
The only way to the next level is beyond the wall. You already have everything you need to get there. Right now.
You already know what you need to do. 
So do it."

I would add:

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." I John 4:18 ESV
God is on both sides of the fear and He's orchestrated that open range and endless skies for you and for me. He never leaves or forsakes. Never. He's waiting. Take His hand. 

4. I'm reclaiming dreams and joy. Our family is currently facing tough things- maybe the most difficult of all the years. I'm not ignorant or in denial of what's ahead. But there comes a time you must confess that God is good and heals and restores and sets free and delivers and makes all things new. Your faith speaks it when you do not feel it or see it. 

I'm confessing. 

Dreams in our hearts and joy in our souls for 2018.

I'll end this with a song that's very special to me. The last time the girls and I saw Cory Asbury live, right before he signed with Bethel, was in January 2016 in Denver. He sang this and God prompted me right then to pull out my journal and write down the bridge to the song- 

"Even in the battle You are with me, I will not be broken in the fight...
You will go before me and behind me, You'll never let me go." 

I wrote the words in dread, honestly. Because there wasn't a battle in sight at that time. But God knew what was coming and He was preparing my heart. The battle came alright, and He was faithful to that promise. Whatever 2018 holds for you, I hope this song will give you hope and peace. He won't let go. 

Thanks for reading. 

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