Quiet and coffee and snow. And a little bit of good music. Simple contentment. I hope wherever you are and whatever you might be doing this Saturday morning that you can stop and take a moment to breathe in the beauty around you and still your heart. If there isn't any beauty to be found around you...if life is misery and bewildering bitterness and lost hope right now...well, I might not know you personally, but I am thinking of you and lifting your heart up to the heavens right now. Asking for a peaceful moment in the midst of the chaos and pain surrounding you, for strong hands to come help and comfort, and for the Maker of the Stars to hold you.
A song, classic re-made. Quiet and simple, with what all the best songs have...longing to get to the place we haven't quite reached yet, pushing through our past into an unknown but ached for future. This longing is inside all of us, yes?
Here is my quiet offering on a Saturday morning.